Privacy policy


When using, you entrust us your personal data. We do everything we can to ensure that we do not betray your trust. Therefore, we would like to explain how we protect your privacy. This policy describes what personal information we collect, how we use and share it, and how you can control it. We process your personal data in accordance with the applicable legal regulations on personal data protection, in particular in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46 / EC (ES) and in accordance with Act No. 110/2019 Sb., on personal data processing (hereinafter referred to as the “Act”).

Who processes your data?

The operator of the services offered through the portal (hereinafter referred to as “Intex”) operated on the domains and (as may be changed at any time) is Intex Trading s.r.o., company with the registered office at: Benešovská 1863/23, Vinohrady, 101 00 Praha 10 , company ID number: 26150808, maintained with the Municipal Court in Prague under the file no. C 74759, e-mail:, telephone no.: +420 267 312 645. (hereinafter referred to as the “Operator” or “Intex”) and as the controller we will process your personal data in accordance with the terms and conditions set out below.

What personal data do we process?

In case you request our services (spare parts form or contact form), we process your contact details and the data you provide in your enquiry (i.e. in particular your e-mail address, telephone number, your enquiry). In case you are our client or have subscribed to our newsletter, we process your e-mail address. If you are a visitor to our website, we process your IP address from which your end device accesses our website or mobile applications, as well as data obtained via cookies (in case of online services) or other online identifiers, such as in particular information about your end device (browser type, browser settings, device operating system), geolocation data, general information about your interests, information about the websites visited or mobile applications used, etc. For more information, please refer to the Cookie Policy.

What sources do we use to obtain data about you?

The personal data we process about you is usually obtained directly from you when visiting the website, signing up for the newsletter, contact us during the contact forms or conducting individual communication (written or by telephone). In justified cases (in particular when recovering amounts owed), we may also seek information about you from open sources, lists and registers such as the Commercial Register, Trade Licence Register, Insolvency Register, etc.

Why do we process your personal data?

In case of your enquiry, we process the data for its settlement. In case of a newsletter subscription, we process your e-mail address for inclusion on our mailing list and for sending out newsletters. In case of cookie processing, this is mainly for accessibility, web analytics and marketing activities – for more information, please refer to the Cookie Policy. We also process your data for the following purposes:
  • analytics and improvement of our products and services;
  • to store personal settings within a specific service or product;
  • to ensure the security of our systems and networks against external attacks or misuse by users;
  • to send commercial communications (more about unsubscribing: here) and content newsletters;
  • to protect and enforce our rights (e.g. in the event of litigation relating to our services).

Who will have access to your data?

Your data are safe with us. We carefully select our partners to whom we entrust your data and who are able to ensure such a technical and organisational security of your data so that they cannot be accessed or otherwise misused in an unauthorised or accidental manner. Protection of your data is our priority. All our partners are bound by confidentiality obligations and may not use the data provided for any purpose other than that for which we have made the data available to them. Thus, depending on the nature of the service you are using or have used, the third parties who may have access to your personal data are:
  • persons to whom we provide data for the purpose of analysing traffic to our websites (see our Cookie Policy for more information on this);
  • persons who provide the technical operation of a particular service for us or operators of technologies (in particular IT services) that we use for our services: VSHosting s.r.o.;
  • persons who ensure the security and integrity of our services and websites for us, and who also test this security on a regular basis;
  • payment gateway providers (payment card providers);
  • operators of advertising systems in connection with targeted advertising (see our Cookie Policy for more information on this)
  • operators of technical solutions that enable us to show you only content and advertising that is relevant to you;
  • other providers of legal, administrative and technical services that we use to ensure performance of our contractual obligations with regard to our customers, users and business partners.
Under certain, precisely defined conditions, we are then obliged to transfer some of your personal data on the basis of the applicable legal regulations, e.g. to the Police of the Czech Republic or other law enforcement authorities, including specialized departments (Organized Crime Detection Unit, Customs Administration, etc.) and other public authorities.

Are your personal data transferred to the so-called third countries?

As we provide a range of services in an online environment, which often involves the transfer of data around the world, it may happen that your personal data are transferred to the so-called third countries outside the European Union in the course of providing services or within our business relationship. In such a case, we will only transfer your personal data provided that the recipient or processor of your personal data is bound by the EU standard contractual data protection clauses or provided that we meet the other exceptions for such transfers set out in the GDPR (for example, the performance of a contract or your consent or other appropriate data protection safeguards).

How long do we process your personal data?

In case of your enquiry, we will process the data for the time necessary to process the enquiry and if we do not agree on further cooperation, then no longer than six months from the end of our communication. If you have subscribed to our newsletter, we will process your email address for a period of 2 years from the date of granting your consent, unless you withdraw your consent or you will not renew it. If we provide you with our services and we have a contractual relationship with you, we will process the data for the entire duration of our contractual relationship and for a period of 10 years after the provision of the performance, or for a reasonable period of time to protect our rights, claims arising from defective performance or liability for damage caused.

Can we process your personal data without your consent?

Yes, we may process your personal data without your consent, but only for the following purposes:
  • provision of services or a product (the performance of a contract between you and us, including where the contract is represented by the actual use of a service without the need to sign anything);
  • compliance with legal obligations imposed on us by generally binding legal regulations (e.g. we are obliged to store traffic and location data on the basis of Act No. 127/2005 Sb., on electronic communications); or
  • processing that is necessary for the purposes of our legitimate interests (e.g. for direct marketing, ensuring the security of our websites).
The possibility and lawfulness of such processing follows directly from the applicable legal regulations and your consent to such processing is not required

On what basis do we process your personal data?

In case of processing of personal data for the settlement of an enquiry, the conclusion of a contract and the performance of a contract and the provision of services, including the creation of a user account, the processing is based on Article 6(1)(b) GDPR. In case of processing of personal data for the performance of our legal obligations (in particular accounting and tax obligations), the processing is based on Article 6(1)(c) GDPR. In case of processing of your email address on the basis of your newsletter subscription, the processing is based on Article 6(1)(a) GDPR – i.e. on the basis of your consent. In case you are our customer, we are enabled by Section 7(3) of Act no. 480/2004 Sb., on Certain Information Society Services, to include your e-mail address in the distribution of news, unless you have prohibited us from doing so. You can of course unsubscribe from this newsletter at any time. In case of website analytics, our products and services, the processing of IP address, the assertion of our claims, etc., the processing is based on Article 6(1)(f) GDPR –  i.e. on the basis of the so-called legitimate interest. You can object to such processing. Automated decision-making and profiling do not take place in our company. The possibility and lawfulness of such processing follows directly from the applicable legal regulations and your consent to such processing is not required.

How are my personal data secured?

All the personal data you provide to us are secured using standard procedures and technologies. We regularly check the system for vulnerabilities and exposure to attack and use such security measures that prevent unauthorised access to personal data and that provide sufficient security in light of the current state of technology. The security measures adopted are regularly updated. In order to better secure your personal data, access to the data is password protected and sensitive data are encrypted during transmission between your browser and our website. However, without your help and responsible behaviour, we are unable to fully ensure the security of your data. Help us, therefore, keep your data secure by keeping your unique passwords and other access details to our services confidential and by following our basic security policies.

How and when can you withdraw your consent to the processing of personal data?

If we process personal data on the basis of consent, you can withdraw your consent at any time and free of charge. However, withdrawal of consent shall not affect the processing of personal data that we process on a legal basis other than consent (i.e. in particular if the processing is necessary for the performance of a contract, legal obligation or for other reasons specified in applicable legal regulations).

Am I obliged to provide my personal data? What if I fail to provide personal data?

You provide us with your personal data voluntarily. However, the processing of personal data is necessary for the performance of our services, the settlement of your enquiries or the fulfilment of our legal obligations. In this case, we cannot provide you with the services without the transfer and processing of the data.

What rights do you have in relation to personal data protection?

You have, in particular, the following rights in relation to your personal data in accordance with the legal regulations:
  • the right to withdraw your consent;
  • the right to rectify or complete your personal data;
  • the right to request restriction of processing;
  • the right to object to or complain about processing in certain cases;
  • the right to request data portability in certain cases;
  • the right of access to personal data;
  • the right to be informed of a personal data breach;
  • in certain cases, the right to erasure of personal data (the right “to be forgotten”);
  • the right to lodge a complaint with the Office for Personal Data Protection (;
  • where applicable, to bring a claim for protection of personal data before a competent court.

What does it mean that you have the right to object?

If we process your personal data on the basis of a so-called legitimate interest, you can object to such processing. We will evaluate this and (not) process your personal data accordingly. If we process personal data for direct marketing purposes (e.g. sending newsletters to customers), we will always evaluate the objection as legitimate and stop sending the newsletters.

How can you contact us?

If you have any questions about personal data protection or withdrawing your consent to further processing of your personal data, please contact us electronically at or in writing at Intex Trading s.r.o., Benešovská 1863/23, Vinohrady, 101 00 Praha 10, to the attention of the Data Protection Officer. In this context, we would like to inform you that we may require you to provide us with appropriate proof of your identity so that we can verify your identity. This is a precautionary security measure to prevent unauthorised persons from accessing your personal data.